
Women's Health

Women's Health

Women's Health services offered in Rockville Centre, NY

Women’s health services, such as Pap smears and breast exams, can alert you to potentially serious issues, like cervical and breast cancer. At Elora Health and Wellness in the Rockville Centre neighborhood of Long Island, New York, experienced primary care provider Dr. Shakiraye Rookwood, DNP, FNP-BC, offers comprehensive women’s healthcare, including family planning, STD testing, and treatment of acute women's conditions. Call the office today to schedule a women’s health appointment, or book online.

Women's Health Q & A

What is women’s health?

Women’s health provides specialized medical care for people with female reproductive organs. Both sexes experience many of the same health problems, but the symptoms they present and their effects vary greatly. 

Routine women’s healthcare at Elora Health and Wellness can reduce your risk of age-related health problems and improve your quality of life.

What services does women’s health provide?

At Elora Health and Wellness, Dr.Rookwood offers various women’s health services, including:

Annual Pap smears and HPV testing

A Pap smear screens for cervical cancer. During the in-office test, Dr. Rookwood collects a small sample of cells off your cervix and sends them to a lab for analysis. 

A positive result doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer, but it can indicate a future risk.

Breast exams and mammogram referrals

Dr. Rookwood looks at the shape, size, and appearance of your breasts and nipples. Then, she gently feels for lumps or other abnormal growths.

If you are 40 or older and have an average risk of breast cancer, Dr. Rookwood recommends undergoing a mammogram every year. If necessary, she can refer you to a nearby radiology facility.

Treatment of acute vaginal conditions

Acute vaginal conditions, such as urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis, can significantly affect your quality of life. Dr. Rookwood can prescribe antibiotics or other treatments to provide lasting relief.

STD testing and treatment

If you’re sexually active with more than one person, it’s important to undergo routine STD testing. Should the results of your test come back positive, Dr. Rookwood can treat the infection and prevent it from spreading.

Family planning

Unprotected sex increases your risk of an unwanted pregnancy. Dr. Rookwood can recommend a family planning approach that aligns with your budget and needs. That might mean oral birth control, an intrauterine device (IUD), or barrier protection.

How often do I need a women’s health checkup?

Dr. Rookwood recommends all women schedule a checkup at Elora Health and Wellness once a year. Many chronic illnesses take months or even years to develop. Regular visits and preventive screenings can alert you early on and help you age more gracefully.

Call Elora Health and Wellness today to request a women’s health visit, or book your appointment online.