
STD Testing

STD Testing

STD Testing services offered in Rockville Centre, NY

If you’re sexually active with multiple people, STD testing can protect your health and the health of your partners. At Elora Health and Wellness in the Rockville Centre neighborhood of Long Island, New York, experienced primary care provider Dr. Shakiraye Rookwood, DNP, FNP-BC, offers STD testing for patients 14 and older. Call the practice today to request an STD testing appointment, or book online.

STD Testing Q & A

What is STD testing?

STD testing is a group of lab screens that analyze your blood, urine, or saliva for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Many STIs show no obvious symptoms or develop slowly. Regular testing at Elora Health and Wellness can prevent the spread of infection and help you practice safe sex.

Who can benefit from STD testing?

At Elora Health and Wellness, Dr. Rookwood recommends STD testing if you:

  • Have symptoms that suggest an STI
  • Have sex with more than one partner
  • Don’t always use condoms or other barrier methods of protection
  • Are starting a new relationship

Conversely, if you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship and have been tested previously, regular testing may not be necessary.

What are the symptoms of STIs?

STI symptoms include the following:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Strange discharge from the vagina or penis
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Painful sex
  • Changes in urination

Get tested even if your symptoms are mild. Treatment can stop the infection from spreading and prevent potentially serious outcomes.

What infections can STD testing screen for?

At Elora Health and Wellness, Dr. Rookwood uses STD testing to diagnose various sexually transmitted infections, including:

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Syphilis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia

Let Dr. Rookwood know if you’ve been exposed to herpes, as this infection requires a more specialized test.

What does STD testing involve?

STD testing is a quick, outpatient procedure that usually takes 15-30 minutes.

Depending on your symptoms, Dr. Rookwood collects a blood or urine sample, or a vaginal, cervical, or urethral swab, to screen for viral or bacterial infections. Certain sexually transmitted diseases take a month or longer to present obvious symptoms, so Dr. Rookwood may recommend a series of tests several weeks apart.

Dr. Rookwood sends your samples to a laboratory for analysis. When she receives the results, she explains them to you and develops a personalized treatment plan.

What if the results of my STD test are positive?

If your STD test comes back positive, Dr. Rookwood develops a holistic care plan. Often, that includes prescription medications, such as antibiotics or antivirals, and practicing safer sex. 

In addition, make sure to inform your sexual partners. Certain infections can be spread through intercourse, so it’s crucial they’re aware.

Call Elora Health and Wellness today to schedule STD testing, or book your visit online.