


Telehealth services offered in Rockville Centre, NY

Thanks to telehealth, you can meet with your doctor from the comfort of your home or office. At Elora Health and Wellness in the Rockville Centre neighborhood of Long Island, New York, experienced primary care provider Dr. Shakiraye Rookwood, DNP, FNP-BC, offers telehealth visits to patients 14 and older. Whether you need to refill a prescription or receive treatment for a sore throat, Dr. Rookwood can help. Call the office today to request a telehealth consultation, or book your appointment online.

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth uses modern technology, like telephones or the internet, to exchange medical information virtually. It provides confidential, one-on-one access to Dr. Rookwood if you’re on vacation or unable to visit the office in person.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth offers many benefits. For one, it makes meeting with Dr. Rookwood convenient. If you have kids or care for an elderly loved one, you can schedule an appointment without having to find a babysitter or substitute caretaker. 

Likewise, if you’re a busy professional and regularly travel, telehealth makes it easy to receive treatment for an acute illness or refill a prescription without taking time out of your schedule. 

When is telehealth not the best option?

Sometimes, telehealth isn’t the best option for medical care. For example, if you have abdominal pain, you may need to visit the office to undergo lab testing or diagnostic imaging. Likewise, if you’re in an area without cell phone or internet service, you won’t be able to log in to the appointment or meet online.

What services are provided with telehealth?

At Elora Health and Wellness, Dr. Rookwood offers various services via telehealth, including:

  • Diagnoses of acute illnesses and injuries
  • Prescription medication recommendations and refills
  • Review of lab tests, STD tests, and diagnostic imaging
  • Referrals to specialists
  • Health counseling

You might benefit from telehealth if you have a chronic condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension). Dr. Rookwood can monitor your progress through calls or virtual sessions in addition to your regular in-office checkups. 

What happens during a telehealth visit?

No two telehealth visits are exactly alike. Dr. Rookwood tailors the appointment based on your health history and goals. 

Make sure to log in to the call 5-10 minutes early. Technology can present challenges, so it’s good to test your camera, microphone, and internet connection in advance. Sit somewhere with adequate lighting and turn off background distractions, like the TV or radio.

Dr. Rookwood asks about the symptoms you’re experiencing and completes a virtual exam. For example, if you have a cough, she might ask to hear it; If you twisted your ankle, she might ask you to point your camera at it, so she can look for bruising, swelling, or redness.

After gathering the necessary information, Dr. Rookwood makes personalized treatment recommendations. She takes a holistic and integrative approach, encouraging your body’s natural healing process.

Call Elora Health and Wellness today to schedule a telehealth appointment.